And following Maniac Mansion, now here is its sequel, Day of the Tentacle. A hilarious Lucasarts adventure game that have you playing not one character, but three in different time periods - one 200 years in the past, one in the present and one 200 years in the future. The game had memorable humour and lines (so much so that I can still recite many scenes from the game today :( - sad but true). The music was great too, it made it feel like a cartoon feature film.
This time around, it was Clint Bajakian, Peter McConnell and Michael Land who composed the music. Clint actually worked on the soundtracks for many Lucasarts soundtracks before leaving the company in 2000. He still composes for games, one of the more recent ones being Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror. Peter McConnell is also a Lucasarts music veteran, however he also seems to be the composer of choice for another Lucasarts veteran, Tim Schafer as he did the music for Psychonauts and for the upcoming release, Brutal Legend. Michael Land of course needs no further introduction as he was mentioned in the previous article and he is of course, another Lucasarts veteran with several titles to his name :).
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