My Age of Booty Experience - Off to a shaky start

Well I decided to pay the USD$10 (or roughly AUD$15) and see how good the final product was. Purchasing it online was quite easy from the Capcom Store and I finished the download of about 100MB with no dramas. After installing Age of Booty and running it for the first time though, the dreaded SecuROM reared its ugly head. In order to run the game you need to activate the product with a serial key that's provided in your e-mail - okay fair enough, I guess that's how they prevent distribution of the game to several people. However, I unfortunately found out that my key is invalid so now I'm waiting on responses to a couple of support e-mails I sent. I don't fancy my chances of getting a reply soon but here's hoping they do... can't say I'm too impressed so far!

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