10 Most Anticipated PC Games of 2013 - #8 Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded

Why it might be good:
  • First of the ex-Sierra adventure game developer Kickstarters to be released
  • First Leisure Suit Larry game for a long time that actually has Al Lowe involved in it
  • Guaranteed to be a barrel of laughs with Al Lowe aboard.
Why it might be bad:
  • It's just a re-hash of the first Leisure Suit Larry 1 � so is it really worth buying a second time (or third even if you bought both the EGA and VGA versions?)
  • Will the animations be up to scratch?
  • Will the gameplay be able to convince a new generation of fans or will it only be old fogies (like me) buying into the nostalgia?

Release Date:
January 2013
