Spotlight Sunday is a way for Choicest Games to feature PC games that are scheduled for release on the following week - games that we consider worthwhile checking out.
This week (20th Apr to the 26th Apr 2015) there's quite a few games coming to PC that I think are worth checking out - most of them are indie titles or games made by smaller developers:
Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power
- Release Date: 21/04/2015
- Availability: Steam - Not available for pre-order
Kiai Resonance
Here's another game with gorgeous visuals but this time it's because the game emulates the Japanese woodblock print style. It also happens to be a game that's all about duelling samurai and there will be the ability to compete against other humans on a leaderboard. So it sounds a mixture of Nidhogg, Karateka or Prince of Persia to some degree and those aren't bad games to be compared to. If the Steam price is going to be similar to the current price for buying the game direct, there's also going to be a low entry fee to try out the game.Will Fight for Food: Super Actual Sellout: Game of the Hour
To be honest, I only included this game because the game description on Steam is hilarious. It sounds like it's going to be one of those games like DLC Quest where it points fun at particular tropes and idiosyncrasies in gaming.The game apparently has a "ridiculously complicated conversation system", "a narrative of personal redemption OR Punch Everyone" and the best part:
Zero-typing based Victorian romance scenarios: Use your furious fingers and knowledge of period social mores to woo seven beautiful English debutantes in a game that isn�t this one. But � you can make that game within this game with mod support!
- Release Date: Next week
- Availability: Steam - Pre-order unavailable
So are you interested or excited about any of these PC games being released next week? Which games are you looking forward to?
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