The following post is part of a series of posts that are published every Sunday to update readers on what Mark G has been up to with respect to finishing off games on his "Pile of Shame". The games to target are picked by Choicest Games contributors Choona, Luke and myself. As I'll be talking about my progress through these games, there may be spoilers ahead, especially for games containing a narrative. Consider yourself warned.Cally's Caves 4
- Picked by Me
- Percentage Complete = 80%
I've defeated Boss #6 in
Cally's Caves 4 and at the end of the battle you can actually convince her to join your side! Coooool. I'm now onto a moon base mission and not quite sure how I managed to fly there (magic, obviously). I'm almost finished the level too so I'm hoping that by the end of next week, I'll be finished with
Cally's Caves 4 and ready to type up a review.
Hand of Fate
- Picked by Me
- Percentage Complete = 91%
On hold while I'm playing
Cally's Caves 4 ??
Stardew Valley
- Picked by Me
- Percentage Complete = 20%
On hold while I'm playing
Cally's Caves 4 ??
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
- Picked by Me
- Percentage Complete = 25%
I haven't made any further progress on this � it's now on hold while I am distracted by... well... a lot of other games ??.
Battlefield 1
- Picked by Me
- Percentage Complete = 10%
I haven't made any further progress on this � it's now on hold while I am distracted by... well... a lot of other games ??.
- Picked by Luke
- Percentage Complete = 38%
I'm now at a stage where I need to skulljack a Codex, which doesn't sound like an easy job at all. I'm also in the process of building two new facilities: a Psi Lab and an Advanced Warfare Centre. Hopefully that means some new toys (and psi-trained troops) to play with in the near future.
With respect to new technological advancements, I have now developed an EXO suit but haven't got around to equipping it on someone to use (I'm assuming it's just a matter of replacing the Predator armour).
With respect to the Geoscape, I've finally unlocked a couple of new regions which contain blacksite missions so I'll be ready to kick some alien butt the next time I play.
- Picked by Choona
- Percentage Complete = 40%
Played a couple more missions with a mate and the PvE formula is exactly the same each time � sure there's a storyline in there about rescuing survivors and defending them against the onslaught of zombies but seriously, building traps and defending objectives against hordes,
every time? I'm hoping it's because I'm new to the game so it's purposefully not making the game too complicated at the beginning (since navigating through the types of loot the game throws at you is complicated enough).
LINK:[ The Pile of Shame ]
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