The battle bus is coming... |
The following post is part of a series of posts that are published every Sunday to update readers on what Mark G has been up to with respect to finishing off games on his "Pile of Shame". The games to target are picked by Choicest Games contributors Choona, Luke and myself. As I'll be talking about my progress through these games, there may be spoilers ahead, especially for games containing a narrative. Consider yourself warned.
Cally's Caves 4
- Picked by Me
- Percentage Complete = 81%
I'm now onto Stage 6 which means I should be more than 80% of the way through the game (if you include the "normal" game mode and "New Game+").
Hand of Fate
- Picked by Me
- Percentage Complete = 91%
Stardew Valley
- Picked by Me
- Percentage Complete = 20%
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
- Picked by Me
- Percentage Complete = 25%
Battlefield 1
- Picked by Me
- Percentage Complete = 10%
- Picked by Luke
- Percentage Complete = 43%
Anyway, I scouted out where the disruptor was with a single ranger, foolishly thinking it wouldn't be defended since hey they were concentrating all their efforts on the Avenger right? WRONG! Boy, was I so wrong: that disruptor had a Sectopod (think automated AT-ST walkers from Star Wars), two mechs and two enemy soldiers. She actually managed to somehow escape the initial barrage and a couple of other rangers that were trailing behind destroyed the disruptor at range � so all was looking well for a moment, but the Sectopod really wanted that ranger dead and that's exactly what happened ?. The sectopod then wounded another of my rangers but she wasn't killed instantly and was instead bleeding out; this made the decision to leave her behind all the more unbearable, but since she was a woman, I guess I still left no man behind (whoa � misogyny!). Leaving someone behind when they are still alive makes it kind of worse than leaving the ashes of someone who has been vapourised to death.
Ultimately, I was successful in defending the Avenger but it came at a huge cost. Most of my team are now full of Squaddies, which isn't a good sign, and I got absolutely no loot from the mission � so the only thing you get from Defending the Avenger missions it seems are XP and dead soldiers.
- Picked by Choona
- Percentage Complete = 80%
I also completed another quest in Save the World. It was the same quest I did as last time because I didn't realise it actually involved scouring the whole map for a treasure chest� ZOMG so boring. The next quest seems to be more grind yet again� and this is why I don't like MMOs.
[ The Pile of Shame ]
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